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We are ready for the 🏆 (part1)

  1. By: Jury Sanna
    📅May 21 2023 4:20AM
  1. After 4 weeks of intense football, our league takes a rest as we are gonna play the Cup quarterfinals this coming Monday.

    Let's check the teams spirits and expectations with some of the guys.
    "Hi, Cup game on monday. How are you and your team doing until now? Do you like this new format for the cup, any suggestion? Any special moment to remember of this first 4 weeks?"
    Let's hear from them.

    Vinny Athletic
    Hi! Our team is growing stronger! We lost a few key players for this season but we found other players and they are giving everything inside the pitch!
    I like this format of the Cup because it makes it more competitive!
    The best moment of the first 4 weeks was the last match we win against the Brazilians. All of them are my brothers and I am well aware of their quality, so beating them was indeed the best moment of the League so far!

    Cyro Eagles
    I’m not in my best moment, have some injuries and cocopark is killing me 😂, but Eagles are doing very well now.
    We had a strong team in the last season, and more good players joined us so we expect to fight for the titles.
    This new format for the cup is interesting because players are still focused in the season and all teams have their full squad. We had a special moment against Shenzhen City. Our team played in a good style and spirit.

    Olivier Tigers
    My team is doing okay. We don’t have a big enough squad and some of our players at the moment lack the quality needed to challenge for the title. However, we have quality in the team and our key players are not injured.
    We have a good footballing philosophy and the leadership of the team is pretty good.
    I don’t particularly like the cup format. We’re the 3rd best team in the league playing the 2nd best team in the first round/quarter finals.
    Special moment to remember: 3-6 down against the best team and drawing 6-6 in the last minute. Very impressive from our team.

    Levan Dragons
    Monday's cup games are very interesting, I like the new format and I wish every team success.
    I hope Dragons will win and I think we are ready for it. Every second and minute was special and I remember it. Especially my yellow card[Facepalm] I thought the ball would not go that far and caught it with my hand, I did it instinctively. In the end, it was a very fun moment.
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